Business Coaching

Developing A Mindset To Serve You In 2021

Firstly I would like to wish you a happy and positive new year! I hope you had a relaxing festive break, after what was a challenging 2020 for us all. In my last podcast and article in December I looked at how to prepare and plan for 2021. We now need to execute and keep on [...]

2021-01-08T15:23:53+00:00January 8th, 2021|

Recession Proof Leadership – Free Webinar

*** Are you lacking clarity about the strategic direction of your business after covid19? *** Do you feel unsure how to adapt and change to keep the business growing through uncertainty and a long-term downturn? *** Maybe you are worried about cashflow and keeping the business solvent during the recession? As a Senior Leader [...]

2024-05-08T16:37:02+01:00June 4th, 2020|

Leadership Mindset Interview – Ade Fleet

My latest interviewee for the ‘Leadership Mindset’ podcast series was Ade Fleet. Ade is an expert in increasing creativity in organisations. His background is in radiotherapy and medical sales, where he has always employed his creative skills, but he has now started his own business focused on improving creativity in organisations. In the podcast, [...]

2019-12-10T17:13:16+00:00November 21st, 2019|