After 3 quarters of continued growth in GDP – 0.8% the last quarter – and a more positive air in the business world, maybe it is a good time to reflect on how you feel about your business.

Has the fun gone out of what you do?

Are the people who work with you a little battle weary and have lost their spark?

Is your heart still in your business and the dreams and goals you once had?

Many business owners have been in survival mode for some time now and it can drain the fun and heart out of what you do. Any of us can end up in a place where we are no longer enjoying our work and our heart is no longer in our business like it used to be.

I feel I slid into this place over the previous 2 years, which is why I re-launched my own business this year and focused more on what I love doing and less on the results. Interestingly, my business has gone from strength to strength during the past 5 or 6 months. My heart is well and truly back in what I do and I believe people see this.

This is why I focus on happiness as well as success as a leadership coach and trainer. Quite simply this is because I believe it is crucial for small business leaders to listen to their heart as well as their head and gut.

Did you know that the electromagnetic signal of the heart is sixty times higher in amplitude than the signal of the brain? The heart emits an energy field 5000 times stronger than the head brain and this can be measured more than 10 feet from your body! In fact research by the HeartMath institute has found that the electrical signals of a person’s heart are measurable on a person’s skin at a distance of several feet. We are sending strong messages out with our heart!

In 1991 Dr J.A. Armour revealed that the heart has a complex nervous system sophisticated enough to qualify as a brain, with up to 120,000 neurons!

Evidence that we actually possess a heart brain!

So maybe our hearts are not as fluffy as we thoughts. There is intelligence within.

I went to see Eckhart Tolle in London at the weekend and it was a very inspirational talk. He believes we spend far too much time trapped in thought; worrying about the future, constantly fretting over decisions made or course of events that did not go as they should have. Living in the moment, free from that nagging self talk and perpetual thinking is the key to a happier life. Engaging with our heart is an important part of that.

So take a moment today to sit back and take in the positive that is happening around you.

The people in your business may also be feeling a little jaded after a tough time. Maybe it is time to put some heart back into your business in a broader sense and show more appreciation for what they do and the impact they have on your business. It could well be time to bring some fun and happiness to your team and make them feel valued.

It has been a tough few years and my admiration grows every day for small business owners, who push through the challenges to grow and develop a solo or SME business. Now is a good time to focus on putting the heart back into your business, enjoying what you do and see the improved results that will follow.


Join us at a free event:

– November 14th from 9.30 to 11.30 am at The Bentley Hotel (Pearl Suite), Newark Road, South Hykeham, Lincoln, Lincolnshire, LN6 9NH – BOOK NOW

Guest Speaker: “Linked-In: 8 top tips on how to make your profile work for you” – Judith Phoenix-Meese, Phoenix True Potential


– November 25th from 9.30 to 11.30 am at The Country Cottage hotel, Easthorpe Street, Ruddington, Nottingham, NG11 6LA – BOOK NOW

Guest speaker: “What you should expect from your accountant” – Haidee Watson, Adcocks Financial


– December 13th from 9.30 to 11.30 am at The Meeting Venue, A1, Stoke Rochford Services, Grantham, NG33 5EW – BOOK NOW

Guest speaker: “Websites that work for you” – Tim Ryan, Volute

This event will be of
 special interest to SOLE TRADERS and SOLO BUSINESS OWNERS, as there will also be information on the number 1 way to grow a solo business – “The Solopreneur Club” – click here for some initial information

  • The event will start with informal networking over coffee.
  • There will then be a presentation by Tony to uncover the 10 most important steps you need to take to keep yourself positive, achieve strong results and gain fulfilment and happiness from what you do.
  • Finally, there will be an introduction to the Solopreneur Club. 

Here are some quotes from people who have attended events from us previously:

“I found the talk inspirational, fast moving and entertaining. I fail to see how you could attend this workshop and not draw energy and direction from it, so recommend it whole heartedly” – Denise Lee

“It has made me look at My Business, the way I do business and myself in general in a whole new way. I even woke up this morning, the day after the seminar, with a new vigour and spring in my step knowing that I had a better sense of direction” – Brian Mcaleer, PiknFix

“I find Tony one of the most positive, upbeat and interesting speakers I have heard in a long time” – Liz Seaton, Primary Live
To join me at this unmissable event, simply click the links above and book your place at the seminar.