** Free Leadership Diagnostic Tool **

Your opportunity to press the STOP button and assess where your focus needs to be prioritised as a leader

The test will take 5 minutes and the results of this diagnostic will enable you to:

  • Identify where you are performing well currently
  • Speedily understand where you need to focus as a priority
  • Give you clear advice on what to do in these key areas

Are you constantly putting out fires in your company and feel like you’re not growing as a leader?

Are you losing confidence in yourself or your focus on the bigger picture strategy?

The free diagnostic will give you a  RED AMBER GREEN rating in the 9 critical skills for you as a leader, as you can see in this example:

Self People Organisation
THINK Becoming Your Best Self A Winning Culture Strategic & Creative Thinking
SEE Your Leadership Identity Your Greatest Asset An Inspiring Future Vision
DO Personal Effectiveness & Wellbeing Communication & Influence World Class Delivery
THINK Becoming Your Best Self
SEE Your Leadership Identity
DO Personal Effectiveness & Wellbeing
THINK A Winning Culture
SEE Your Greatest Asset
DO Communication & Influence
THINK Strategic & Creative Thinking
SEE An Inspiring Future Vision
DO World Class Delivery
Click HERE to take the diagnostic

What my clients say

“Working with Tony Brooks forces us to step back from “doing the do” and makes us focus on the strategy and vision for ID”
Tony Pounder, Director of Intelligent Decisioning Ltd  (IMAGE)

“Tony’s creativity, ideas and input get us results and has helped build a very positive culture and added significant measurable growth to our bottom line”
Richard Hill, MD SEO Traffic Lab

Do you want to improve your leadership skills, become more strategic and shift your thinking to lead with confidence?

The pace of change is huge, and you must change the way you ‘Think’, ‘See’ & ‘Do’ to survive and thrive. This is the key to your future sustainable growth.

Tony Brooks - Think See Do

Knowledge is your true power as a leader

Why did I create this Diagnostic for you?

I’m Tony Brooks, the MD of The Leadership Training Workshop Ltd, and our driving purpose is to enable you to ‘Think’ in new and exciting ways, to ‘See’ your world differently and therefore ‘Do’ the right things confidently.

I developed this Leadership Diagnostic tool to help you speedily evaluate how you are performing in 9 key areas of leadership, based around how you ‘Think’, ‘See’ and ‘Do’

This is especially important for leaders who have found themselves in leadership roles without any training or development. You may well work in Tech or Engineering companies and be excellent at the technical tasks, but leading people is a whole different game!

Only by creating space to shift your thinking and see your world differently, will you do the right things to improve your results and happiness as a leader.

Take the Leadership Diagnostic Test now

Click HERE to take the diagnostic