- John’s journey from broke 5 years ago to having a successful international business
- The importance of starting your day well in order to be more resilient
- Why it is so crucial to be positive with yourself and others
- The wonders of visualisation and dream boards
I’ve known John for several years and he’s always a fascinating and inspiring person!
John is now an international speaker, best-selling author and mental resilience expert. He is working with clients like Rolls Royce, Aviva, Hilton, Cunard and NatWest Bank. He’s spoken across the world including onboard the Queen Mary 2 and in San Diego, where he spoke at the same conference as Barrack Obama!
In his early years, he played professional basketball and also played for England – he still holds the current British record for the most points scored in a single match, which is 98.
He overcame great difficulties 5 years ago where at the age of 60 he was broke, living with his mum and decorating to pay the bills. He then applied the techniques and philosophy he now uses in his talks and masterclasses to turn his entire life around in dramatic fashion.
His insights from his journey and life experiences fill the 30-minute interview, so grab a coffee and have a listen.
You can access the podcast:
– on my website here
– on iTunes here
– on Stitcher here
– You can also search for Leadership Mindset by Tony Brooks on podcast Apps
I trust you will find this podcast interesting and please feel free to share, subscribe and explore others in the series.
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