
About Tony Brooks

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So far Tony Brooks has created 148 blog entries.

Burnout Prevention and Cure – Interview Natalie Creasy

I recently had the pleasure of interviewing long time friend and 'Burnout Bestie', Nat Creasy, for my Leadership Mindset Podcast Show. Nat had her own experience of burnout in 2008 while she was an HR Manager, that took her out for 18 months! On the show we talked about the following topics: Nat's [...]

2024-07-19T12:15:00+01:00July 23rd, 2024|

The Challenges Of Ego – Interview Dawn Wray

My latest podcast episode features an interview with Dawn Wray, who is the first person to appear twice on the Leadership Mindset Podcast Show! The previous episode featuring Dawn – Therapeutical approaches in leadership and coaching – is here for you. Dawn is a Gestalt Psychotherapist and co-founder of The Listening Collective. The Listening [...]

2024-07-19T12:03:31+01:00May 21st, 2024|

The Language of Leadership – Interview With Felicity Wingrove

This month, I had the pleasure of interviewing Felicity Wingrove for my Podcast Show ‘Leadership Mindset'. Felicity Wingrove (Fliss) is one of the UK’s leading experts in the applied psychology of language. A psycholinguistics undergraduate, she went on to study persuasion and influence, neuroscience, NLP, and voice dialogue, as well as qualify as a [...]

2024-06-10T10:45:11+01:00April 2nd, 2024|

Lessons and reflections from my TEDx journey

My TEDx talk ‘Unleashing Your Creativity By Escaping Your Survival Thinking’ is now live and you can watch it here>>. The feedback has been excellent and this is from people who were there on the day: "You absolutely nailed it!! Such an inspiration and such a powerful message that I really needed to hear [...]

2024-05-08T16:50:00+01:00March 5th, 2024|