My latest podcast interview was with Claudia Crawley, executive and career coach and owner of Winning Pathways Coaching, on the topic of racism in the workplace.

Claudia is an executive and career coach, who specialises in working with women social workers and Black and Asian Women facing challenges in the workplace. She also coaches women managers in organisations such as the NHS, NHS England and Universities.

She was my 4th ever client in 2009 and we have kept in touch ever since!

Her latest book is Undeterred – The Success Equation of Women of Black and Asian Heritage.

Racism is still such a critical ‘stubborn devil’ for us all to work on and eradicate. Claudia’s journey and insights bring awareness for us all, especially those of us in more privileged positions.

Among many areas, Claudia and I talked about:

  • Why racism is still such an important matter to address in the workplace and society at large
  • How the George Floyd killing has triggered changes for good and bad
  • Why Black Lives Matter is a cause to get behind
  • As white people, should we see someone’s colour?
  • What is the ‘Success Equation of Black and Asian Women’?
  • Why it’s important to focus on acts of ‘micro aggression’ as well as institutionalised racism
  • What leaders and organisations can do to step up and make a change

It’s an enlightening 40 minutes, so if you want to explore the episode in detail have a listen to my latest ‘Leadership Mindset’ podcast episode.

You can access the podcast:

  • On Spotify here
  • On iTunes here
  • On Stitcher here
  • You can also search for Leadership Mindset by Tony Brooks on podcast Apps
  • You can also find the podcast on my website by clicking here

I trust you will find this podcast interesting and please feel free to share, subscribe and explore others in the series.

? If you would like to book a ‘Complimentary 30 Minute Leadership Diagnostic Call’ to talk through your biggest challenge as a leader, please use the link HERE.

Claudia Crawley - racism in the workplace