Are you aware of how much your survival instinct plays a part in your daily thinking?
In my latest podcast (and blog) I help raise your awareness of how your survival psychology can hijack you across 5 key areas:
- The Belief you have Impostor Syndrome
- Developing a Defensive Mindset
- Destructive Negative Self Talk
- The damage done by Ego
- Isolation and the impact of Tribal Behaviour
Over the past 12 months I have researched this area, given a number of talks, spoken to business leaders and become increasingly aware of the prominent role survival thinking plays and how to manage it.
In this podcast I look at:
- Why survival psychology is so strong in your daily thinking
- Its impact on your self esteem and feelings of not being good enough
- How pessimism can become your default setting
- A look at the 5 ways survival thinking manifests and can hijack you
- Examples from business leaders’ experiences
- Ideas on ways to manage your survival thinking to realise more of your potential
If you want to take a fresh look at how your leadership mindset can be strengthened, you can explore this in more detail in my latest ‘Leadership Mindset – Think, See, Do’ podcast episode.
You can access the podcast:
- On Spotify here
- On iTunes here
- On Stitcher here
- You can also search for Leadership Mindset by Tony Brooks on podcast Apps
- You can also find the podcast on my website by clicking here
I trust you will find this survival psychology podcast interesting and please feel free to share, subscribe and explore others in the series.
If you feel you need support with any of these areas or in your leadership role in a broader sense, please give me a call on 07912 143 040 or email me at and we can discuss how I can support your leadership development.
Or you can book a 30 minute complimentary call by clicking HERE.

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