
Is 2015 the year to invest in your development

A Happy New Year to you! I hope you had an enjoyable festive break and have come back with a clear vision and the motivation to make 2015 your best year so far. But what have you planned for in terms of your own development? You may well have some plans to invest in marketing, [...]

2018-08-29T11:00:17+01:00January 6th, 2015|

12 Ways To Achieve Success and Happiness In Your Business

Here is an opportunity to discover how you can lead your business to greater levels of success and happiness. - Do you need to lead your business with a stronger sense of purpose and direction? - Are you looking to achieve stronger results in your business? - Do you want to enjoy what you do [...]

2018-08-29T10:58:30+01:00November 28th, 2014|

Fake it until you make it

There are times when we may find ourselves in situations where we question our abilities, skills or confidence levels. It could be that important sales meeting, a networking meeting or the opportunity to present to a room of people. The nagging doubts and anxieties creep in and it can become a self-fulfilling prophecy, as the [...]

2018-09-25T07:08:28+01:00November 17th, 2014|

Which side of the Cause Effect equation are you on?

When facing day to day business challenges, it is easy to lapse into the trap of becoming a victim of circumstances. We can end up blaming, justifying, rationalising or complaining to find a way to deal with the situation we find ourselves in. Although our problems faced are very real to us, only through shifting [...]

2018-09-25T07:08:52+01:00October 20th, 2014|

The power of accountability

Are there very important goals or tasks you have had in mind for a while that keep getting pushed to one side? I have been working on my first book (PI Leadership) for some time now (I wont say how long!) but I have been allowing myself to make excuses and justify why this is [...]

2016-10-25T17:35:35+01:00September 22nd, 2014|