tony brooks business coach

Welcome to a new and exciting vision of how we can lead business – The Leadership Training Workshop Ltd.

Whether you are a sole trader, solo business owner or SME leader, this will be the start of a journey to change the way you lead your business, achieve stronger results and truly enjoy what you do.

If you believe that leading a business is about a clear strategy and direction you would be right.

If you believe that leading a successful business is about doing the right things to make you significantly more profitable you would be right again.

But if you also want to enjoy what you do, provide an amazing place for others to work and be fulfilled and happy…..

You have come to the right place!

Our Vision is quite simple – To inspire business leaders to great levels of success AND happiness.

Our Inside/Outside Leadership Model

We believe you have to have a clear vision and strategy for your business.

We are dedicated to making you more profitable.

We focus on giving you the most important strategies and tools to grow your business. We make sure everything on the Outside is as it should be.

But unlike almost all business coaching and leadership training organisations, we don’t stop there.

All this is worthless unless you are truly fulfilled, happy to go to work everyday and the people who work for you feel the same.

We also focus on getting you in the right mindset, we focus on you engaging with your people openly and maturely and we work with you to create a strong, happy and positive culture. We make sure everything is right on the Inside.

This is all based around our innovate Inside/Outside Leadership Model

The problems leaders like you may face…….

  • 70% of business leaders have never led a business before the one they lead now and have no experience to draw upon.
  • Many business owners like you are working 50 to 60 hours and more a week. They are struggling with workloads and always behind.
  • They are no longer enjoying their daily work and morale is not as it should be. This is the same for those who work with them.
  • There is no clear direction for the future and most importantly results are not as strong as they could be.

Do any of these apply to you?

Why you might want to talk to us

  • I have personally worked with over 140 businesses in The Presentation Club, Solopreneur and business coaching. Businesses from 1 employee to 250.
  • I have worked for, with, and as a leader during my 30 year career.
  • I am an approved GrowthAccelerator coach, providing funded coaching programmes at very competitive rates!
  • We are focused on both sides of the equation – Your business success and results AND your enjoyment fulfilment and happiness
  • We believe in making coaching and training accessible to ALL
  • We believe you need a balance – your business and your life outside this
  • We don’t just coach and we don’t just train. We use both training and coaching intelligently to not only educate but deliver results
  • Online as well as personal coaching is used to embed the learning from training workshops.
  • Our training and coaching is never stuffy and dry but both fun and performance led
  • We will always “do what we say we will do when we say we will do it”
  • We use models that work – both in business success and mindset
  • This is a radical approach to leadership for the 21st Century

How you can work with us

  • The Solopreneur Club – A successful business growth club for sole traders and solo business owners to work together. Find out more here
  • The Presentation Club – A Presentation Skills club for everyone in business, covering 6 key modules to present at your highest level. Find out more here
  • 121 Business Growth Coaching – Provided both independently and through Growth Accelerator funded programmes. Find out more here
  • The Leadership Training Workshops – An innovate blend of half day workshops and coaching in the 6 most important areas of leadership. Find out more here 
  • Free blogs – on useful business tips and strategies
  • Events – to inspire and educate (see below)


It’s time to change the way we lead business. It’s time to put the fun back. It’s time to achieve your goals.

To find out more please……. book a complimentary 30 minute business strategy call to find out the 3 most important changes you need to make in your business right now.


Join us at out launch event, book your place for “Achieving Success and Happiness in Your Business” on July 18th or 30th 

See more details here:

July 18th 9.30 am

July 30th 3.00 pm



Tony Brooks

Leadership Specialist


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