Think. See. Do.

Resilient Mindset, Resilient Business

How are you coping with the challenges 2020 has brought for us all? We not only need to focus on the businesses we lead, but also ourselves. Resilience needs to be found for us personally, to be able to build a resilient business and team! I shared some tips on developing a resilient mindset [...]

2020-09-24T14:26:24+01:00September 24th, 2020|

Resolving Problems and Disputes – Interview with Pete Colby

On my latest podcast you will discover how to build a culture where employee disputes are rare. If you do get into a dispute, how to get the best outcome. Pete Colby is an expert in mediation within businesses and organisations. After previous roles in HR and Manufacturing, followed by a senior role in [...]

2020-04-09T08:50:12+01:00April 9th, 2020|

Developing A Resilient Mindset During This Time Of Crisis

Never before have you needed to keep a strong psychology as much as you must do right now. Over the past couple of weeks I have been posting ‘Resilient Mindset’ videos on a daily basis on LinkedIn and now YouTube too. They have been getting great feedback, especially as they are quick and easy to view. I thought I’d share the [...]

2020-03-26T12:10:42+00:00March 26th, 2020|

Employee Engagement and Culture – Interview with Heidi Thompson

What are employee engagement and culture all about and why are they so important?  Heidi Thompson has held positions in HR for ever 20 years and has been HR Director at Duncan and Toplis for 3 years. She is currently involved in a large project to establish and drive a culture at Duncan and [...]

2020-03-05T14:22:30+00:00March 5th, 2020|